What is a Protocol?

  • A specific, standard way of doing things, a specification of sorts
  • Examples

    • Renting a car
    • Preparing a meal using a recipe
    • TCP/IP
    • Conducting an Election!

Motivation for the Election Integrity Protocol (EIP)

Unobservable machine systems and laws need to be augmented or replaced with human involvement using either hand counted paper ballots or Web3 technology (or both) that is

  • Transparent
  • 100% Accurate
  • Robust
  • Tamper-proof
  • Cost effective
  • Based on unequivocal evidence forming Consensus from all parties instead of Trust

EIP Characteristics

  • Flexible – Use hand counts & Teller Committees as before, or upgrade to EIP compliant systems
  • Efficient  - Your vote and tallies are immediately available
  • Transparent  - Results are publicly visible to the world, again, immediately in real time
  • Immutable - Impossible to change
  • Verifiable  - Not only can you inspect your vote immediately after it is recorded, you can continually check up on it to make sure it hasn’t changed. Forever.
  • Secure – Employs same cryptographic security technology as modern web browsers & large systems
  • Opaque  - Your identity is unknown (once separated from your ballot)
  • Impartial  - Registrars and Observers (people from opposing political parties/perspectives) participate in every voter process and monitor the election all along the way in real time
  • Neutral - A practical specification agnostic to the manner in which votes are collected , while at the same time, forcing a protocol that leads to the desired and expected result
  • Indisputable  - Based on consensus, not trust
  • Open – Protocol is free and will be made publicly available very soon

Rollout Plan - How you can help

  • This is an emergency. Without our vote, we are no more than slaves

  • The admittedly ambitious plan to implement EIP worldwide will require a nearly viral awareness, but we have to start somewhere because we simply don’t have any other choice

  • Enact Public Policy

    • Contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators. Have them contact us using the "Sign Up" page on this website. Propose Legislation to make EIP the standard in your jurisdiction
    • Create Ballot Initiatives to make EIP the standard in your jurisdiction
  • What can you do?

    • Spread the word using this website and have people sign up to volunteer
    • Roll your own EIP implementations and hold mock elections, high school contests, science projects
    • Hold real elections at school boards, classroom projects, church, elections, etc.
    • Schedule Speaking Engagements in your area to motivate volunteers & clarify details
    • Just sign up, we'll find somewhere for you to help!

None of your personal information is being collected, sold or distributed anywhere