EIP Functional Requirements

EIP supports both the hand count of paper ballots and also the machine count of paper or electronic ballots. How that is accomplished is left to the provider, but what it must do is specified here.

Hand Counts

A manual tally of votes (Hand Counts) only makes sense when using paper ballots. Under EIP, this can be accomplished using any hand count process with or without placing a mark or BAM on the ballot.

  • Canonical Mode (business as usual - naked CVRs) Most any hand count process can be used here as long as the process and the teller committee is concensus based. This can work, but not as accurately as when ballots are marked because teller committees have problems of their own.

  • Optimal Mode (Ballot Marking) If a mark or BAM is placed on every ballot and the totals of the ballots are entered into an EIP distributed ledger, these provide a reporting mechanism for the hand count process. Better yet, ballots themselves could also be scanned to retain images of the ballots. The reason this mode is deemed optimal is that the voter could theoretically locate their ballot, but more importantly, the election can now be audited by reconstruction.

Machine Counts

Using a machine running on a computer or device of any kind can process either paper or electronic ballots. This would require a BAM whether paper or electronic ballots are used. Machine counts are superior to hand counts for a number of reasons, but either one can be used.

Here’s how the Election Itegrity Protocol works :

After clearing the voter rolls entirely or better yet, registering anew for each election, every election using (1) electronic ballots or (2) paper ballots with machine scans, and either one requiring a secret ballot must satisfy the following three requirements:

  1. Provide a secret ballot by ensuring the separation of the vetted voter’s identity from their vote

  2. Provide a mechanism for voters to verify their cast ballot

  3. Provide a mechanism for each voter to count all the completed ballots.

The Bottom Line

Any voting system or process that can satisfy these 3 requirements is EIP compliant, by definition.

The election integrity protocol prescribes a concrete way of satisfying these 3 EIP requirements. There may be other ways, and if the requirements can be satisfied using other means, then these other approaches are also EIP compliant, by definition.

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